


The 2023 edition of JMJC will take place on November 9 and 10, 2023 in Montpellier. These two full days will give chemistry players from the south of France the opportunity to get together in one place to share and discover their respective work. Held alternately in the PACA (Marseille, Toulon, Nice) and OM (Montpellier) regions, the JMJCs are primarily aimed at a young audience of students, PhD students and post-docs. This major event enables chemists from these two major regions of southern France to meet, exchange ideas and debate over two days, through conferences and informal get-togethers in a convivial atmosphere. Doctoral students and young researchers will have the opportunity to present their work in the form of oral or written communications (posters) during three themed half-days covering all areas of chemistry. Internationally-renowned speakers will be invited to discuss their work with experienced researchers. Finally, industrial partners will be invited to represent all the different players and sectors in chemistry, and to foster links between industry and academia.

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